
Welcome Fellow Food Enthusiasts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cook Challenge: Live Longer Lunches!

And I'm not talking about lunches living longer in your refrigerator. Eew.  I can't stop the bacteria growth on your PB&J, mmmk?  But what I can do is make lunches that will help me and my family live longer.
My sweet friend has inspired me to do this challenge.  She is one of the healthiest eaters I know. And the method for her madness?  longevity! She wants her and her family to live a long and healthy life.  As simple and as genuine as that.  And to that I say: me too please.

This quarter's challenge is healthy lunches.  I'm talkin' whole grains, peaches, carrots sticks and low fat cottage cheese.  What crazy-good n' healthy lunches can you serve up?  Challenge yourself this month to share with our blog readers a healthy alternative to chicken nuggets, french fries and a shake.

You have until the end of March.  Chefs: on your mark . . . get set . . . cook!

P.S. If you're not an official cook on this blog, feel free to leave your healthy lunch recipe in the comments. (Or become a cook of this blog  Email me!)

1 comment:

ariel said...

wait... you mean something besides a cheese quesadilla and canned peaches? this is way outta the box for me.

but i will try :)